The Nonprofit Center Launches Social Enterprise Consulting Practice

Helping Nonprofits Explore Opportunities for Unrestricted Funds  

Read about our social enterprise readiness session>>

As nonprofits continue to struggle with the challenges of fundraising, fueled by ever-increasing demand for services, the fundraising holy grail of unrestricted funds is even more critical.  The Nonprofit Center is now working with area nonprofits to help create social enterprises –  businesses inside or outside of their organization that are designed to generate unrestricted funds to support their programs and services.

The first step is exploring with the nonprofit the feasibility of a social enterprise, then planning so that the organization can implement it.  You work with Nonprofit Center consultants, which includes a group of retired corporate executives who share their business acumen with nonprofit clients, by exploring and assessing an organization’s possible social enterprise options.  The Center further supports the client with its wide range of services that generally strengthen the organization and increase its overall sustainability, including education, planning, evaluation, resource development, and building its board of directors. 

Nonprofits need to recognize that they offer a wealth of talent and creativity which can be channeled toward developing long-term sources of new funding for their valuable services and The Nonprofit Center is excited to work with you to help discover these untapped opportunities.

For more information about investigating the possibility of social enterprise generating unrestricted funding to support your programs and services, contact Lori Moffa at [email protected].

Read the news release on social enterprise  >

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