MAP: Management Assessment Plan

The Nonprofit Center offers a practical and economical way to gather critical data about your organization and its ability to operate effectively and fulfill its mission.

By identifying key areas that may be hindering function and performance, the organization can then be equipped to address them and progress.

This Management Assessment Plan –MAP– An expert nonprofit consultant utilizes a proven, standardized data collection tool* to gather the significant data that indicates your organization’s performance.  This data allows this specialist to make objective recommendations that enable your organization to maximize its effectiveness and address deficiencies.

The consultant creates a report that provides valuable insights that enable your organization to make informed decisions in essential areas of operation.  MAP shows you what the data says you really are, rather than making assumptions.  And once you have that information, you can proactively address weaknesses and build on your strengths.

Evaluating your operation at multiple levels, including:

  • Mission and vision
  • Strategy and planning
  • Governance and Board leadership
  • Program design
  • Program evaluation
  • Information Technology
  • Financial management
  • Human resources
  • ED/senior management team leadership
  • Fund development
  •  Legal affairs
  • Marketing, communications and external relations

Recommendations are be made at three key levels:   those an organization can accomplish on its own, those that can be accomplished with a modest amount of help from The Nonprofit Center and those actions that can be accomplished with significant amount of assistance.   Our follow-up helps  guarantee that appropriate action on the recommendations will take place and the report will not stagnate.

The Value: Many nonprofits we work with have been struggling with time and budgetary restrictions that force them to defer their need for planning or other important projects that will enhance the organization’s ability to deliver on its mission.  Recognizing a serious unaddressed need in the nonprofit community that inevitably leads to lack of direction, confusion, poor morale, and impaired effectiveness, The Nonprofit Center developed the MAP to provide an affordable process to give you a concrete set of recommendations to help move your organization forward.

If your organization has been wrestling with issues related to performance, operations and systems, and wants to advance, the MAP program can be the ideal starting point.  Armed with a plan based on solid data and the support of an objective consultant, your organization can have a clear vision of where it wants to go and how it will get there.

For more information on the Management Assessment Plan, contact: Lori Moffa at [email protected]

*The original version of this “Organizational Capacity Assessment Tool” was created by McKinsey and Company for Venture Philanthropy Partners (, and published in Effective Capacity Building in Nonprofit Organizations (2001).  It was modified and assembled in electronic format by Blueprint Research and Design, Inc.  for Social Venture Partners Seattle ( and is used with permission from Venture Philanthropy Partners.  The Nonprofit Center is confident in the effectiveness of this existing pro-bono assessment tool to provide nonprofits with the expertise of consultants in gathering the data and making appropriate recommendations based on the findings.  Many organizations, from foundations to international development organizations, have relied upon this organizational capacity assessment tool.