Ask the Good Questions
In Governance as Leadership: Reframing the Work of Boards, Chait and his colleagues identify the three modes of governance that lead to high performing boards. We are remiss, however, in thinking that the three modes of performance—fiduciary, strategic and generative—that Chait et. al. identify as essential for high performance should be reserved for improving board performance. Each is equally important for improving organizational and programmatic performance. Thus, we must not limit these three modes to our boards, but be just as intentional in using them Read more
In Search of Cognitive Diversity
While nothing new, diversity is an increasingly hot topic in popular culture and no less an issue in nonprofits. Funders want diversity on the boards of its grantees; nonprofits want their boards to reflect their constituencies; everyone wants diversity of staff. There is, however, no common understanding of diversity, as it is, to a very great extent dependent upon where you are, what you do, etc. There is one guarantee, however: most people’s concept of diversity tends to rest on those things that are easily Read more