An Uncertain Future for Nonprofits

Among the many uncertainties of the past two weeks is what a Trump presidency will mean for nonprofits.  One of the things you learn very quickly as a student of politics is that what gets promised in any political campaign is likely to change when those promises meet the realities of our political system.

I could rattle off a multiple scenarios for nonprofits in the world of Trump, but they would have as much grounding in reality as trolls and talking fish.  In some of these Read more


A new year begets resolutions.  Promises to ourselves that the experts all tell us will most likely not come to fruition.  One explanation that I appreciated and hated at the same time is the notion that our will power is, indeed, a zero sum game:  we only have so much; too many resolutions mean we dissipate the will power we can apply to each so we achieve none.  Better to go with one and do it, than five and break them all.

So, I’d like to Read more