Sleepwalking through the Workday

I just came back from a use-it-or-lose-it week off; days that had to be taken before the end of the fiscal year, or be lost forever.  While I totally enjoyed it, the only reason I chose that particular week was to avoid losing those days.  When we work hard at our jobs we must take the offered time off from those jobs to refresh, rejuvenate, regroup, rewhatever.  It is particularly important that leaders model this healthy behavior of working hard, separating from work and relaxing Read more

Fundraising is all in the prep

Earlier this year, the Nonprofit Quarterly and BoardSource did a pulse survey (a quick, “let’s just take the pulse of those who bothers to respond”) trying to understand boards’ greatest concerns for 2016.

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Of the 173 responses, 53% (n=78) selected “general economic uncertainty, increased volatility and shocks.” In other words, they are worried about funds. The fourth, at 29% (n=43) greatest concern, is the “increasingly competitive environment.”

Taken together these say boards are really worried about financial sustainability: an unpredictable financial climate Read more