Sustainable vs Viable Nonprofits

There is little doubt in my mind that the greatest challenge facing every nonprofit is not whether it is sustainable, but if it is viable.  Many nonprofits that aren’t viable have proven their ability to be sustainable—defined as the ability to be maintained at a certain level.

Sustainability makes no judgment as to the quality of the level at which the organization is maintained, simply that the level is maintained, month after month, year after year.  Thus, we can easily describe an organization that regularly operates Read more

Getting Extra Credit

It’s late afternoon and I’m sitting on the porch of my sister’s slice of Northern Michigan heaven, working on my computer.  My niece, a freshly minted Ivy League MBA, joins me and asks me if I’m done working.  Almost, I respond, trying to finish a blog post I started before I left on vacation.  But I confess that it no longer inspires me.  “Write about bonuses,” she says.  “How do you feel about bonuses?”

Having just been joined by my sister, an elementary school teacher in Read more