Sustainable vs Viable Nonprofits

There is little doubt in my mind that the greatest challenge facing every nonprofit is not whether it is sustainable, but if it is viable.  Many nonprofits that aren’t viable have proven their ability to be sustainable—defined as the ability to be maintained at a certain level.

Sustainability makes no judgment as to the quality of the level at which the organization is maintained, simply that the level is maintained, month after month, year after year.  Thus, we can easily describe an organization that regularly operates Read more

‘Tis the Season to be Sustainable

As we approach the end of the calendar year, many nonprofits are wringing their hands over just how much money will come in these last two months of the year.  Most nonprofits report that between 30 and 45% of annual contributions come in this period.  The success or failure of year-end giving has a large impact on an organization, often resulting in decisions about layoffs or programmatic cutbacks, or, if expectations are exceeded, the chance to breathe easier for another year.

There is a fundamental error Read more

Buzz words, key words, plans and stuff

The challenge in taking two weeks off from posting is that I now have so much about which to write.  My solution:  snippets.   This is not a “trends to watch in 2016;” it is simply, “here’s a whole bunch of stuff about which to think.”

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Effective altruists. While this is, indeed, a trend to know about in order to determine how you want/do want to play into their world, it is something absolutely deserved of everyone’s attention.  This includes nonprofit Read more