Sleepwalking through the Workday

I just came back from a use-it-or-lose-it week off; days that had to be taken before the end of the fiscal year, or be lost forever.  While I totally enjoyed it, the only reason I chose that particular week was to avoid losing those days.  When we work hard at our jobs we must take the offered time off from those jobs to refresh, rejuvenate, regroup, rewhatever.  It is particularly important that leaders model this healthy behavior of working hard, separating from work and relaxing Read more

Using Volunteers Wisely

Are we devaluing expertise?  While I have been pretty sure I knew the answer to this question, I’ve allowed it to roll around in my brain, unanswered, for some time now.  But this process came to a screeching halt when I read of Southern Virginia University’s search for volunteer professors.  Yup!  You read that correctly (probably because you were taught to read by a teacher certified as equipped with the right knowledge and tools needed to teach people to read).

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A small school Read more