Not the Supreme Court

Founders of nonprofits are special people.  They have vision.  They have sufficient charisma and/or connections to get that vision off the ground.  Some may even have the ability to help sustain that vision.  But they are not gods; they are not infallible; and they are not United States Supreme Court Justices, appointed for life.  There comes a time when every founder has to go.  Completely.

While I have known a few founders who have recognized when it was time for them to go in order to Read more

The Truth about Founders

What about founders? Do they help or hurt?  That was a student’s recent version of a question I get asked a lot, in many different setting?  Loaded question or what! 

The truth is that founders who know how to be good founders are a true asset, not just to the organization which they establish, but to the community which they serve.  Unfortunately, however, the flip side of that is equally true:  founders who do not know how to be good founders are worse than not being asset; they Read more

The Truth about Founders June 27th, 2008 1 Comment